1. Fill out our interest form if you haven’t done so yet!


You’ll receive a link to our Slack channel at the end of the form, but you can find it here too.

2. Join our Slack!


This is where you can message officers if you have any questions about the club, and where you’ll receive announcements and reminders for club activities.

3. Request membership on Hornslink!

- HornsLink

You’ll be approved by an officer.

4. Pay club dues!

- HornsLink

Please include your full name in your venmo note if your account uses a different one.

5. Confirm membership with an officer!

Message our treasurer Amani Turner on Slack to confirm Hornslink registration and due payment.

When your membership is confirmed, you’ll gain access to the rest of the Slack workspace, including conversation channels, ride sign-ups, and other skating resources.